
Spy Hill on The Littlest Honky Tonk TV  We got to hang with our dear ol pals in the Badlands and play some tunes…  Boots and Laura have been making big waves with The Littlest Honky-Tonk TV

A Reckoner Spirit appears - raceless and genderless from nowhere and everwhere. The rebels de carnivale gather. The defenders, dream keepers, warriors, revelators , survivors, lovers, reclaimers, A celebration of resilience. Foul empires crumble. Love wins. And will always win in the end.


The Thunderbird spirit represents a powerful force; transformation & strength. The totem kept showing itself to us.....our concept was to work with The Thunderbird as a representation of the times and our music.. an old storied style of sound, art and folklore and putting our own energy on it."

Directed and produced by Studio 549 - Sandy Rossignol and Kristy Morgan


Hound Dog On a Chain

A heavyweight blend of Blues & Rhythm with a pulsating RocknRoll soul. Hound Dog On a Chain is the second single from our new album coming September 9, 2022.

“Hound Dog on a Chain” is a pulsating track dripping with equal parts style and substance. The song features emotive vocals by Badlands Jazz, a.k.a Jasmine Colette, and a Hammond solo from the supremely talented Darcy Phillips. As approachable as the new single is, “Hound Dog on a Chain” is about the systems of oppression that continue to drive society further from happiness.”

- Jenna Melanson, Canadian Beats


Scream, Holler & Howl

Cut loose from a troubled mind. Leave it all behind. Scream, Holler & Howl is the opening and title track for our new album coming September 9, 2022. Al Cardinal (vocals, guitar)

Inspired by an interview by Howlin Wolf where he talks about what they used to go do on a Saturday night, Cardinal says “The song is about going out and having a good time”.Jasmine Colette (vocals, bass, drums)“After what we’ve all experienced the past few years,  it’s really about letting loose again. Getting out there and having some fun, seeing a live show. We need music.” says Colette.


Get Out To A Show!

We’d love to see your smiling faces in the crowd.

Here’s where you’ll find us!